Perkin Elmer EnSpire 2300 Multimode Microplate Reader

Perkin Elmer EnSpire 2300 Multimode Microplate Reader

$14,400 (USD)


The EnSpire microplate reader is an easy-to-use multimode platform for quantitative detection of light-emitting or light-absorbing markers in research and drug discovery screening, this EnSpire microplate reading platform features several detection technologies including Absorbance (Abs), Fluorescence Intensity (FI), Luminescence (Lum), AlphaScreen, and Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TRF), allows for 6- to 384-well plate operation, top/bottom reading modes.

System is currently configured with short and long side barcode readers, AlphaScreen, Absorbance, Luminescence, Monochromators, and TRF options, we also have a range of filters available for your specific assay parameters, comes with plate stacker unit with two 20-plate capacity stackers, a computer with EnSpire v.4.13 software installed, monitor, keyboard and mouse, 100-240V, 50/60Hz.


ManufacturerPerkin Elmer
Stock Number4338