SpectraMax M3 Multimode Microplate Reader

SpectraMax M3 Multimode Microplate Reader

$18,900 (USD)

orCall (650) 938-3169


The SpectraMax M3 is a dual-monochromator based multi-detection microplate reader that can acquire absorbance and fluorescence data from 6- to 384-well microplates and a built-in cuvette port, features UV/Vis Absorbance (Abs), Fluorescence Intensity (FI), and Luminescence (Lum) read modes, top and bottom microplate reading capability, 200-1000nm absorbance wavelength range, 250-850nm wavelength range for FL/Lumi, comes with a Windows 10 computer with SoftMax Pro v.5 software installed, monitor, keyboard and mouse, 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 3.5A.


ManufacturerMolecular Devices
Stock Number4323