Olympus CKX53 Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope

Olympus CKX53 Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope

$4,900 (USD)


Model no. CKX53SF, System includes a trinocular headpiece with two 10x/22 eyepieces, 4-slotted nosepiece equipped with 4 Olympus objectives; 1) UPlanFL N 4x/0.13 iPC, 2) CAch N 10x/0.25 iPC, 3) LCAch N 20x/0.40 iPC, 4) LCAch N 40x/0.55 iPC, and NA0.3 condenser with CKX3-SLP iPC phase slider with iPC aperture, also comes with a U-TV1 X and U-CMAD-2 c-mount camera coupling with a 1.3MP Omano Aptina CMOS USB digital color camera and Windows 10 computer with OptixCam ToupView imaging software installed, monitor, keyboard and mouse, 5VDC.


Stock Number4634