Agilent 1220 Infinity II Series G4288B LC System

Agilent 1220 Infinity II Series G4288B LC System

$8,750 (USD)

orCall (650) 938-3169


Designed for routine HPLC analysis in analytical and QA/QC labs, version G4288B features an integrated variable wavelength detector, manual injector, and dual-channel gradient pump with built-in degasser, 190-600nm VWD wavelength range, VWD has Part no. G1314-60186 Standard Flow Cell (14µL volume, 10mm path length), 0.2-10mL/min gradient pump flow range, comes with a Windows 7 computer with OpenLab CDS Chemstation v.C.01.07 software installed, monitor, keyboard and mouse, 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 240VA.


Stock Number4447