MJ Research DNA Engine Tetrad2 PTC-240 Thermal Cycler

MJ Research DNA Engine Tetrad2 PTC-240 Thermal Cycler

$7,500 (USD)


Ideally suited for labs with high throughput PCR needs, allows runs with up to four blocks simultaneously, 0 to 105ºC thermal temperature range, temperature ramping speed up to 3ºC per second, ±0.3ºC temperature accuracy at 90ºC, ±0.4ºC temperature uniformity at 90ºC, contains an onboard Pentium-class computer that delivers an advanced graphical interface ideal for managing production-grade thermal cycling, features mouse-directed point-and-click navigation, active displays of block, sample and lid temperatures, software features such as error tracking logs, run tracking files, problem resolution trees and file management tools offer invaluable information for troubleshooting during high throughput runs, stores up to 1000 user-defined programs, has an internal power supply, 200-240V, 50/60Hz, 6.3A, comes with choice of four standard 96-well or 384-well blocks.


ManufacturerMJ Research
Stock Number1529