1420-041 Victor2 V Plate Reader

1420-041 Victor2 V Plate Reader

$8,350 (USD)

orCall (650) 938-3169


Multilabel reader with time-resolved fluorescence, stacker/robotic capabilities, fluorescence intensity, multitask plate reader can funtion as a photometer, luminometer, fluorometer and time resolved fluorometer, fluorescence-polarization R 1527 photo multiplier tube for fluorometry and TR-flurometry, digital photon counting, high cathode sensitivity with low-noise photo cathode, photodiode for photometry use flash absorbance UV-photodiode analysis can be run in either endpoint or kinetic assay modes, comes with a computer with Victor 1420 software installed, monitor, keyboard and mouse, two stackers, and standard Victor filter set, other filters are in stock and can be installed, call for availability.


ManufacturerWallac / Perkin Elmer
Stock Number2706